Ultrasound Signals – Why Epic Blocks Inaudible Audio
The latest Epic releases, from v62 onwards, block ultrasound signals. If you visited a website which alarmed your dog but you couldn’t hear anything, it may have been emitting ultrasound signals which are inaudible to humans but perceptible to dogs and other creatures.
Here’s why Epic blocks ultrasound signals. Marketers, trackers, surveillance agents and others emit ultrasound signals (sounds that are inaudible to the human ear) from your computer to be detected by the microphone of your mobile phone which they also control (ever wonder why a flashlight app needs access to your microphone?). The organizations track you by linking both devices and all the activities and data thereof.
We’re not making this up. The good news is that you’re safe if you use Epic.
Here is an academic report on “The Ultrasound Tracking Ecosystem” and another article from Wired with more details:
Just wanted to say Thank You for doing what you do… this (tracking, surveillance, monitoring, of individual online activity) has gone so far out of control. I don’t have a tech degree, but do have a lot of experience w/computers, and am diligent w/actually reading all the “privacy” disclosures of online software services and disabling all the pre-endabled “share/link/device” settings I can – and STILL, I CAN’T do it – no matter how hard I try – I can’t keep up with them. I recently tried to set up a new Google account on a brand new, fresh laptop – no data on it at all yet, and Google asked me to complete a phone CONFIRM field to “be sure it is you” – but I hadn’t GIVEN them my PHONE – I was setting up a brand new account to start fresh. But my other (old) laptop suddenly blinked on, and I hadn’t even touched it. I knew they’d done something, somehow, and suspected it was related to Windows 10 on the new laptop. Afterwards, my Epic Browser wouldn’t work with the proxy on, on my OLD Win7 laptop – Windows 10 on the new laptop synced something w/my old laptop, even though I’d done my best to turn off all sharing, bluetooth, etc. I had to put my new laptop in the microwave while I “restored” my old computer and reinstalled Epic before I could get it to work again. The new laptop is still in the microwave!